MYSTERY surrounds the parking of dozens of white vans on New Brighton promenade.

Readers have contacted the Globe to ask why the vehicles - understood to include those from United Utilities, Open Reach, Wirral Council's Highway Maintenance department, West Wallasey Van Hire and Thames Water - have been seen in the area's parking spaces on Kings Parade and Coastal Drive, running alongside The Dips, for months.

Yet, it is not known why. 

A picture sent to the Globe on Thursday by a New Brighton resident shows vans parked up yet again. They said: "I'd rather see holiday makers in caravans parked up.

"I wouldn't mind knowing, as a local resident, what the policy is regarding the parking of so many maintenance / business vehicles along the prom.

"I wouldn't mind if they were maintaining something - like filling the massive potholes along the road they're actually parked on".

Another reader commented on social media: "Why is there so many highway maintenance vans lining up on the prom? Joke."

A Wirral Council spokesperson said: "We are aware of commercial vehicles being parked along Kings Parade and Coastal Drive, New Brighton. 

"We are working with the company concerned to try to find a solution to their parking needs."

An OpenReach spokesperson told the Globe: "We can't pin down any particular reason for the van/s to be in the vicinity – we have dozens of repair and install jobs they could potentially be related to but without the registration numbers it impossible to pin down.

"The local team, however, has suggested that the vans generally potentially all belong to a local van leasing company, which might explain the volume of them.

"They don’t know that for sure but think it’s a strong possibility."

United Utilities, West Wallasey Van Hire and Thames Water were also approached for comment.