WIRRAL councillors have voted to implement the second phase of 20mph speed limits, which will see 15 specified areas looked at during 2024.

Members of Wirral Council’s Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee met on December 5 and considered the outcome of the public consultation on phase two of the 20mph programme and approved a recommendation that it should be implemented in the 15 areas specified during 2024.

While the committee noted that the majority of the 2,000 residents who responded to the consultation survey objected to 20mph speed limits, most members of the committee decided "that the safety benefits for all road users of slower speeds in residential and shopping areas, and around schools, took precedence and some stressed that their own dialogue with constituents had revealed strong support for 20mph limits".

Phase two process

In doing so, Members were assured that, as with phase one, where some of the main roads and small cul-de-sacs included will be reviewed by officers, the same process will apply for the second phase.

The committee’s decision came shortly after a targeted education and awareness campaign got underway, involving a combination of Merseyside Police, mobile camera vehicle and Safer Roads Watch volunteers.

They were monitoring speeds in a number of areas that were made 20mph in phase one, including in Heswall, Wallasey and Port Sunlight, and to date nearly 300 motorists have been contacted by Merseyside Police. The awareness campaign will continue over the coming weeks.