PEOPLE from Liscard said "it needs a massive facelift" as Wirral Council gets £10.7m to do up the town.

People along the town’s high street, situated at the centre of Wallasey, said they wanted to see a wider variety of shops, streets cleaned, antisocial behaviour tackled, and pavements and roads improved.

Wirral Council on November 20 discovered it is line to receive £10.7m of levelling up government funding to regenerate and revive Liscard town centre. Its bid was rejected in an round of funding earlier this year but the same bid was reconsidered and granted funding.

Liscard’s regeneration is one of 55 projects across the country to be awarded funding though to qualify, Wirral Council has to show it can deliver the scheme by March 2026, show it’s good value for money, and the bid would still benefit from government funding.

The original levelling up bid for Liscard included investment in community facilities, upgraded shop frontages and unlocking development potential for leisure and retail, as well as improvements for pedestrians and cyclists.

As part of its local plan, Wirral Council put forward proposals in Liscard for hundreds of homes, new public spaces, a multi-storey car park, new trees, and plants. These are long term ambitions for the town brought forward by future funding and the local authority has promised “businesses and organisations will be at the heart of Liscard’s transformation.”

Wirral Globe: Another proposal in the Liscard masterplanAnother proposal in the Liscard masterplan (Image: Wirral Council)

Louise Powell who moved to Liscard two years said supporting small businesses was one way the town could improve, adding: “The more local people who are working locally, the more likely people will go and use the town centre and support surrounding businesses.”

She added: “A big thing is parking because so many people have been put off by parking. That has been a big one for people, especially for the people who can’t get around as much.”

Pointing to the proposed cycle lane between Liscard and Birkenhead, she thinks improving both town centres should be the first priority. She said: “The roads could look nice but if there is no reason to go from point A to point B, then it might be a bit premature to improve the cycle lanes and the through roads”

She added: “Improve parking and improve transport and give young people something to do. I think people are put off Liscard because of the teenagers hanging about.”

Yvonne Warren from Liscard said the town needed a tidy up but also more security, adding: “At nighttime, it’s awful. It’s mainly that time when it’s all in the dark. Lighting, security, and some decent shops.

“There’s no fresh veg shop any more. The Marksies had fresh stuff to go, so good quality food and more signs for cyclists coming through.”

Better shops, lower business rates, more choice was a common theme though some wanted to see brands like JD move in, places to buy men’s clothes, independents to open up as well as a gym.

Kate, behind the bar at the Tower Hotel at the top of Liscard Way, said: “There’s nowhere to get sportswear. There’s nowhere for young people to shop. There’s nothing reliable like that, there’s nothing for men unless they go to Primark.

“I also think it’s hard for older people. We have a lot of older customers and it’s not accesible with bank branches going.”

Another regular complaint was the ongoing impact of controversial CCTV cameras in the Cherry Tree Shopping Centre car park.

The cameras have fined thousands of people and for many in the town, it’s linked to its declining high street. An appeal over a council decision to refuse retrospective permission for the cameras is currently ongoing.

However the day of the announcement the town centre could be getting a nearly £11m revamp, it was also announced the Barclays would be closing March next year.

Jake Bailey who runs Stollies Cafe and Deli said: “Getting rid of the banks isn’t a good start. They need some strong alternatives,” adding: “Back in the day, they used to have so many shops. M&S, Woolworths, now it’s just charity shops, cheap shops, casinos, and bookies. ”

For some though, they remember what Liscard used to be like. One 89-year-old woman who remembers the high street during the Second World War, said: “I hope it’s done out all lovely, clean, and bright.”

When asked what the money should be spent on, she said: “I would love Marks and Spencer to come back. We always had M and S and very good shoe shops. We have some nice shops but it would be nice to have better shops.

“Benches for older people too, there are lots of bus stops but no benches for older people.”

Another man said: “Everything needs changing. It’s not the same as it used to be. There’s no decent shops anymore. They just need to do something better. I have been here years and I was born in Wallasey.

“They could do something for the kids, give them a place to go. They have only got the park down the road.”

Vanessa Quarless, from Community Food, thinks a community hub would be a good start, adding: “Somewhere they could meet together and be friends. We have people coming in here looking for stuff to do.”

The bid has been welcomed by both political parties represented in the Wallasey area.  Liscard councillor Janette Williamson, said: “Liscard is on the up, it is seeing more and more independent businesses base themselves here, and this will go a long way to giving local traders and residents a well-deserved boost of confidence.”

Wallasey councillor Councillor Ian Lewis said: “The impact of changes in shopping habits has been made worse by poor council decisions, whether in planning, parking or transport. I would hope now that this £10.7 million won’t be wasted on branding and logos, but will be the start of genuine regeneration of the area.”