MEMBERS of the public have been awarded for their bravery after placing themselves in danger to help those in need in New Brighton.

Outstanding acts of bravery by the public in Merseyside were celebrated at the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s (NPCC) annual Police Public Bravery Awards last night (Thursday, November 30).

The ceremony was held to honour the brave members of the public who have placed themselves in dangerous situations, carrying out courageous and selfless acts to help protect others, defend their communities, prevent and detect crime and actively assist the police.

Among the winners were two people who helped with incidents in New Brighton.

David Browne, a former Cheshire Police officer, who was assaulted on January 12 2021 after he challenged two men on New Brighton Promenade who were swinging large pieces of wood in a manner that was dangerous to the public.

He was left with a brain injury and now requires 24-hour care.

Wirral Globe: David Browne accepting his awardDavid Browne accepting his award (Image: Merseyside Police)

Also awarded was RNLI lifeguard, Cameron Jacobie, who along with a number of members of the public, came to the aid of a man and his mother, who were swept into the sea at New Brighton Promenade on July 6 2020 during bad weather.

Three schoolboys collected life rings for three men, one of whom reached the male and brought him to safety. Sadly, repeated efforts to get a life ring to the female proved unsuccessful.

The New Brighton Lifeboat was deployed and the helmsman had to manoeuvre the boat in treacherous conditions before Cameron attempted to get on the rocks the woman had been swept onto.

He was injured in his efforts and, tragically, she could not be saved.
The man was pulled to safety and first aid was administered by the lifeboat crew.

Cameron, and the helmsman, who cannot be named, were awarded silver medals designed and created by The Sheffield Assay Office and presented to the winners at the ceremony which was hosted at The Cutlers’ Hall in Sheffield by Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police, Lauren Poultney. 

Wirral Globe: Cameron Jacobie accepting his awardCameron Jacobie accepting his award (Image: Merseyside Police)

Chief Constable Serena Kennedy said: “My officers put themselves in harm’s way on a daily basis to protect the public. That’s their job, it’s what they joined the police force to do and I am so proud of each and every one for the fearless dedication they show day in, day out. Their bravery is never, ever taken for granted.
“But we can’t be in all places at all times, and it is so heartening to hear of members of the public – without any training or equipment - quite literally putting their lives on the line to help complete strangers.
“Whether leaping into cold and often treacherous waters to save the life of someone they have never met, or putting their own safety to one side in order to prevent any harm coming to others, our award winners in Merseyside have shown incredible courage in the face of serious danger. 
“Confronted with the most terrible situations, they did not shy away from doing the right thing – without a second thought, they leapt into action and I am truly in awe of the actions of each and every one of them.”