A WEIGHT loss expert in Ellesmere Port has struck gold again for the second time this year.

Chris Robinson-Lloyd, who runs her Tuesday morning Slimming World group weekly at the Groves Sports and Social Club in Whitby, has been awarded ‘Gold’ status again by the national slimming club because of her success in supporting slimmers to reach their dream weight and the quality of service she provides to those members.

Chris is so very proud of her members, having helped 10 of her members achieve their dream target weight when she achieved her first award in March 2023, she has gone on to support a further 32 to date achieve their weight loss goals. She is extremely happy to be able to help and support her members feel happier and healthier inside and out.

The accolade is given to Slimming World Consultants who consistently have 100 or more members in their group over several months, and who provide such exceptional service that members come back week after week because they’re losing weight and wouldn’t miss their weekly group for anything. It represents the highest level of service in slimming and makes Chris one of the most successful of Slimming World’s 4,000 consultants, meaning Ellesmere Port is home to some of the best slimming support in the UK.

This is the second time Chris has been awarded the award since becoming a consultant in June 2016.

Chris said: “I am absolutely over the moon to have achieved the ‘Gold’ award again. It’s not an easy award to achieve as it’s not just about members through the door, it’s about retaining 85 per cent or more of those members for three whole months, which inevitably helps members with their weight loss goals.

"I have to say when you love your role and have created an amazingly supportive community group, it then becomes easy to achieve.

"I’m so very passionate about helping people to transform their lives and seeing them succeed is the best reward, being given this recognition for the whole group really is the best feeling ever.

"This award belongs to all the members who attend the Groves groups. They’re the ones who make our group the success that it is, with their fabulous commitment, its a gorgeous group full of understanding and support for each and every week, and, above all, their inspiring weight losses while following Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan.

"They make the group a fun, safe, friendly, buzzy place to be and I can safely say I adore my Tuesday mornings. I truly believe I have the best role in the world, being self employed is better than a job, and we have groups across Ellesmere Port and Chester looking for like-minded people to become their forever consultant to, please contact me if you would love to find out more about the role.

“The Groves group has really put healthy weight loss on the map in Ellesmere Port. Obesity is at record levels everywhere and with an average of 64 per cent of adults in the UK being affected, many people here are suffering a range of weight-related health problems from diabetes to heart problems and feelings of low self-worth that impact on their working and personal lives every day.

"It’s never been more important that people who struggle with their weight get the support to make the changes needed to lead healthier lives – both for themselves and their children, too.”

The Ellesmere Port Slimming World group is held every Tuesday at 7.30am, 9am and 10.30am at The Groves Sports & Social Club, Chester Road, CH66 2NZ. for more information, call Chris on 07974 145061.