THE mystery of what happened to memorial plaques on benches removed when construction of the planned West Kirby flood defence wall began has been cleared up by the council following a Globe reader's question.

Peter Ryan, who lives in West Kirby, had contacted us, asking where the plaques - a feature on the promenade for many years, paid for by people who wanted to honour and remember a loved one - had gone.

A council spokesperson said the original benches are in a variety of locations that had been requested by family members and work was underway to replicate the plaques on the new wall.

A Wirral Council spokesperson said: "Long before work even commenced on the construction of the flood barrier on South Parade we reached out, through the media and other channels, to families who had memorial benches there so we could relocate them in accordance with their wishes.

"We also made a commitment to replicate their memorial plaque on the bench seating on the new wall, which we are in the process of doing.

"Many of the original benches are now in situ in a variety of alternative locations as requested by families, with the original memorial plaque still attached.

"Others that haven’t yet been claimed are safely stored - and we would reiterate our commitment to anyone that might own one of those memorials that, if they get in touch, we will work with them to find a new home for their bench and plaque.

"We expect the first batch of replica plaques will be installed on the new seating shortly, with the others to follow.

"The design of the new wall and its seating arrangement means more new memorial plaques can be acquired and installed by other families wishing to pay tribute to a lost loved one at West Kirby promenade."