A CHARITY single has been launched in memory of Wirral busker Peter Mickle.

Known as 'Pete the Busker' and famous for entertaining shoppers on Church Street in Liverpool City Centre with his unique inflatable props and colourful dress sense, Peter died in August this year.

Peter lived in Birkenhead and was in the Merchant Navy spending two years on the QEII. He was also a regular visitor at the Charles Thompson Mission, a homeless charity in Wirral.  

Charity single Livin’ La Vida Liverpool was launched in his honour during an event last Tuesday, (November 21) at Liverpool’s iconic Cavern Club.

It is the 'hilarious creation' of La Vida Liverpool magazine owner Justin Hopper and high-energy Latin party band, Los Amigos. The music video was filmed by Eliot Murphy.

The charity single launch night was in aid of the legendary Mr Old Hall Street and his great work helping the Liverpool homeless and was hosted in memory of Busker Pete.

Wirral Globe: Peter Mickle with Charles Thompson Mission volunteer Donna Scully Peter Mickle with Charles Thompson Mission volunteer Donna Scully (Image: Donna Scully)Pete starred in the Livin La Vida Liverpool music video just a couple of months before he passed and the night was a tribute to Pete, whilst raising money for the vital work of his close friend, Mr Old Hall Street.

On the night, there was a premiere screening of the music video, a live set from Los Amigos themselves, a powerful poem from Bobby Parry, comedy from Gary Skyner, talks from all involved in the project with special guest speakers, a huge charity raffle and more.

Wirral Globe: Still from the video for charity single 'Livin’ La Vida Liverpool' that was launched in memory of Peter Mickle on Tuesday, November 21Still from the video for charity single 'Livin’ La Vida Liverpool' that was launched in memory of Peter Mickle on Tuesday, November 21 (Image: Justin Hopper)The night was described by its organisers as 'lots of fun, whilst raising money for the homeless prior to the winter'.

It raised more than £1,500 for Mr. Old Hall Street and the Liverpool homeless and was described as 'a triumph for community spirit and the good people of Liverpool'.

What started out as a fun passion project turned into a top single launch night for a fantastic cause.

La Vida Liverpool owner Justin Hopper said: "Originally, the song was just a fun collaboration between La Vida Liverpool and Los Amigos, who are the best Latin party band around, and filmed by the incredible talented Eliot Murphy.

"Busker Pete starred in the music video but he sadly passed a couple of months after filming — so that’s when we thought about doing something in his memory for the homeless.

Wirral Globe: Still from the video for charity single 'Livin’ La Vida Liverpool' that was launched in memory of Peter Mickle on Tuesday, November 21Still from the video for charity single 'Livin’ La Vida Liverpool' that was launched in memory of Peter Mickle on Tuesday, November 21 (Image: Justin Hopper)He continued: “Mr. Old Hall Street supplied Pete with his colourful outfits and was good friends with him so it was very fitting to make this a charity single launch for them both.

"The night was incredible and it was a great effort all round — with over 100 people in The Cavern Club on a Tuesday night.

"Huge thanks to The Cavern Club, everyone who performed, attended, donated raffle prizes and supported the project.

"After the premiere of the music video, Los Amigos gave us one of their fabulous high energy live performances that have endeared them to audiences far and wide.

"Their unique style of a frontman from Kuwait, two Italians and a lad from Birkenhead fusing Latino and English classics with their own twist, they certainly know how to put on a show!"

Brian Phillips, aka Mr. Old Hall Street, said: “On behalf of all my homeless brothers and sisters, I’d like to thank everyone for putting this night together. As everyone knows,

"I was once homeless, but now I dedicate my life to helping the homeless of our city. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse and there are more deaths happening.

"It will be even worse this winter so this fundraiser has come at the right time.”

Congratulating the organisers of the charity single launch, Peter Mickle’s family said in a statement: “We just wanted to say how much we all enjoyed the night.

"Seeing Peter in the video was great and Gary Skyner was hilarious. We can’t thank you all enough for putting on a great night in our Peter’s memory.

"It’s amazing what you all do for the homeless.

"You’re all heroes!"