A WIRRAL runner was among a team who completed a 362 km festive-themed challenge in aid of a charity supporting people with Motor Neurone Disease.

As part of the “Running Home For Christmas" fundraiser, the seven-strong team took it in turns to run through the day and night and the final stage undertaken by Rick Kelsey ended on West Kirby beach.  

It was all in aid of the Wirral Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA). 

Rick, from Greasby, who ran that 12 km stage on the Wirral Way, was the motivator behind the venture as his friend. Nick’s dad, Roger Jones, died from MND and he wanted to join the on-going fight to bring an end to the disease.

He was welcomed on the beach by his six colleagues, who all work for the Running Channel on YouTube, and members from the Wirral MNDA Group were also there to show their heartfelt appreciation for their sterling efforts.

The runners, who included 1,500 metres Olympian Andy Baddeley, set off from Clerkenwell in London on Monday and made sure there was always at least one of them running on their epic journey.

Rick’s colleague, Anna Harding, explained that people who want to donate can do so by going to the runninghomeforchristmas.com website and follow the givestar link.

People can also go to https://mndawirral.org to donate.

Anna said: "Those who also enjoy running and want to boost the total raised can join the Strava Club via the website and all their runs in December will be added to our totaliser.

"Runs on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day count double.

"The Running Channel has set a target of 1m kilometres for the month so every kilometre counts".

Wirral Globe: Wirral MNDA's welcoming group met the runners at end of 'Running for Christmas' fundraiserWirral MNDA's welcoming group met the runners at end of 'Running for Christmas' fundraiser (Image: Wirral MNDA)

Debbie Williams, Motor Neurone Disease Association's Wirral Group chair person, was among the windswept welcoming party.

She said: "We were delighted to welcome them to West Kirby and are totally full of gratitude and admiration for their efforts.

"It was an absolute privilege to be there and see Rick completing the final stage.

"Every penny raised will go to help research into this terrible disease and provide care for those living with it."