WIRRAL Council are planning to plant trees "without any warning or consultation" on a field, says a dog walker. 

Garry Doolan, from Port Sunlight, uses the field at the top of Eastham Country Park nearly every day to walk his dog.

He spoke to the Globe about how he thinks Wirral Council has "killed the use of the field for park users" by planning to plant trees in the open space.

He said: "At the top of Eastham Country Park there's a big field and it's the only field at the top end of the park.

"It used to be football pitches and a couple of years ago during Covid they fenced off half of it, which restricted people into one little path, which during the pandemic wasn't great."

Garry explained that a couple of weeks ago, Wirral Council put up posters to say they were "doing some woodland and wildlife restoration" and people should "stick to the paths".

Wirral Globe: People walking on the fieldPeople walking on the field (Image: Garry Doolan)

"There was no consultation or warning on this with park users", Garry said.

"They then tipped up and ploughed the field which made it uneven.

Garry said he emailed the council and he was told they were planting the trees because of "climate issues".

The 51-year-old added: "People have picnics and walk their dogs on this field. They say to keep to the footpaths but there are no clear footpaths at all and now it's going to be nine-tenths trees.

"They’ve killed the use of this field for park users. 95 per cent of the park is trees and to lose this field as well, really doesn't play with park users who want to use the open space.

"The council haven’t asked the people who use the area what they want to do. They are making decisions that will have a negative impact for generations."

Wirral Globe: Where the trees will be plantedWhere the trees will be planted (Image: Garry Doolan)

What did Wirral Council respond?

Cllr Liz Grey, Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee said: "This particular planting scheme is part of a national programme called Trees for Climate which aims to increase carbon sequestration, reduce flood risk and improve biodiversity across the country.

"Tree planting is an important part of our local response to the environment and climate emergency declared by Wirral in 2019.

"It contributes to the Council’s adopted Tree, Hedgerow and Woodland Strategy and will support The Mersey Forest Plan. The planting scheme is also intended to help protect the existing ancient woodland from future storms and other emerging threats.

"The new trees will act as a windbreak, will help stabilise the soil on site and the increased structural and species diversity will make Eastham Woods more resilient to emerging pests and disease as well as storm damage.

"Footpaths will be retained around the tree planting and through the centre and so the area can still be utilised for dog walking and the other fields within Eastham Country Park, which are suitable for activities such as dog walking and picnics, are not affected. Over one half of new woodland will be created and a community tree planting event is taking place on February 3 2024."