I have lost count (see what I did there?) of the number of Dracula adaptations I have reviewed over the years, but this innovative production is up there as one of the most unusual and rewarding.

Set in a psychiatric hospital in Aberdeenshire in 1897, Mina Murray recounts her encounters with the most terrifying of blood-sucking beasts: Count Dracula.

A group of diverse patients listen to her vivid storytelling as they (and we the audience) are transported to a cold, Gothic environment where immortality and ultimate power is possible.

But there is a price to pay. Everyone should read the small print in life.

There is a superb design throughout and - thanks to faultless lighting - the set converts from Dracula's abode in Transylvania to Aberdeen.

Back projections, atmospheric music and sound effects along with period costumes, ensure this production directed by Sarah Cookson grabs your attention from the eerie start to icy finale and won't let go.

The 70-minute first half is well paced as there is a lot to take in.

The action gathers more momentum in the 40 minute second half and the tension goes up a notch or two, scene-by-scene on the tingle-o-meter.

Happily, there are the usual vampiric props - garlic, crucifix and stakes. Morna Pearson's intelligent adaptation of Bram Stoker's classic has sharp dialogue, colourful language of the time and some delightfully dark humour.

This contemporary re-teliing by the National Theatre of Scotland, Aberdeen Arts and Coventry Belgrade is performed by an all women and non-binary ensemble.

It is very scary in parts and has a suitably powerful ending. For those familiar with the novel and numerous film and tv versions it is refreshing to see another inventive take on this timeless tale.

Liz Kettle is outstanding as Dracula sweeping across the ramps and staircases in her cape.

She is threatening and soothing, frightening and formidable.

You cannot take your eyes off her from every facial gesticulation to out-stretched, long-nailed, spiney hands.

She emerges and disappears from the shadows with such ease.

Mina Murray is our guide through this journey of the mind and the subconscious as well as the hard reality of grey Aberdeen. Danielle Jam plays here with both innocence and maturity - quite an achievement for any actress.

Some of the energetic, eight-strong cast play other roles.

One welcome portrayal for light relief amid the darkness is of gung ho vampire slayer Van Hesling courtesy of Natalie Arle-Toyne's Indiana Jones-styled touch without overwhelming the narrative.

It is a welcome re-imagining of the Dracula theme and shows again that Stoker's character - like all great leading figures in literature - is open to new and vivid interpretations.

A hugely enjoyable piece of theatre with a distinct cinematic feel.

Verdict: Gripping, chilling and thrilling

Runs until Saturday.

Tickets are from the box office on 0151 709 4776