THE Yorkshire Ripper is in the news again ... thanks to two very different but relevant pieces of storytelling.

On ITV, there is the powerful series The Long Shadow which focuses on the victims rather than the 'Ripper' himself.

The Incident Room at the Royal Court Studio by writers Olivia Hirst and David Byrne also looks at the killings through the eyes of the policemen and women claustrophobically united at the operation's nerve centre.

And it's here the term nervous breakdown takes on a whole new meaning as we - the audience - are metaphorical flies on the wall as the work undertaken by the investigations unit in the Leeds of 1975 takes place to track down the UK's most notorious serial killer.

All human life and emotions are here as we hear about the mistakes, the breakthroughs, the change of failed team leaders and the eventual arrest of Peter Sutcliffe.

It is a story that still has more questions than answers.

A nine-strong cast from the Liverpool-based Old Fruit Jar Production company in association with the Royal Court, offers a gritty, revealing drama with carefully placed lighter moments to alleviate the onslaught of dark facts and figures.

No stone is unturned.

Misogyny, negligence...misuse of manpower, media collaboration - all factors that come under the stage spotlight.

Florence King as determined Megan Winterburn and Luke Seddon as stubborn George Oldfield provide strong contrasting performances throughout as does Josh Ennis as Dick Holland.

But this is an ensemble piece and everyone shines in Alex Carr's well-paced direction in a compact, well-detailed incident room.

As you enter the Studio you are immersed in the manhunt as the cast recreates the round-the-clock tensions of the manhunt.

There are some haunting moments achieved through subtle lighting and atmospheric music.

The talented team goes into great detail about the hoax Ripper taped message and the ambitious five pound note paper trail.

Director Alex says the company wants to make a difference when it comes to telling the from the point of view of all the victims.

This drama certainly makes a difference and leaves its mark.

Verdict: Four stars

Gripping, passionate and compelling

It is at the Royal Court Studio until October 31. Tickets from 0151 709 4321.