STORM clouds were brewing and members of Wirral Globe Camera Club were on hand to capture the dramatic skies.

Each week we asked members to submit their photographs based on a theme - this week was stormy skies - and there were some stunning shots sent in.

Members are also welcome to share other images on our Facebook page.

The Camera Club is a supportive and friendly group of amateur and professional photographers and as well as submitting photos taken recently, members also take part in regular themed challenges like shadows and raindrops.

You can join 1,403 others in our camera club on Facebook at

Heswall beach by Ella Canavan

Heswall beach by Ella Canavan

Meols by Forget Me Not Photography

Meols by Forget Me Not Photography

Neston marshes by Jane Leitch

Neston marshes by Jane Leitch

New Brighton by Paul Neish

New Brighton by Paul Neish

Parkgate by Jenny Ward

Parkgate by Jenny Ward

Perch Rock by Ade McCabe

Perch Rock by Ade McCabe

New Brighton by Thomas Fells

New Brighton by Thomas Fells

Thurstaton beach by Nicola Jayne

Thurstaton beach by Nicola Jayne

Wallasey beach by Kimberley Phillips

Wallasey beach by Kimberley Phillips

New Brighton by Tracey Rennie

New Brighton by Tracey Rennie

West Kirby by Julie Longshaw

West Kirby by Julie Longshaw

Perch Rock by Ray Tickle

Perch Rock by Ray Tickle

Wallasey bridge by Laura-Jane Dodd

Wallasey bridge by Laura-Jane Dodd

West Kirby by Paul Anson

West Kirby by Paul Anson