AN application to build three new bungalows in Neston has been approved despite objections from nearby residents and Neston Town Council.

The development, which was approved in a meeting yesterday (Tuesday, April 4) is for the erection of two bungalows and one dormer bungalow and alterations to the existing houses to allow for an extension to the existing access driveway on Raby Park Road.

The application had been amended since it was originally submitted due to a number of concerns raised by Neston Town Council.

The amendments included a reduced scale of development from three dormer bungalows to two bungalows and one dormer bungalow and changes to the access, turning and refuse storage arrangements.

During the Cheshire West and Chester Council Planning Comittee meeting in Winsford yesterday the summary of consultation responses and representations showed that Cheshire West and Chester's Highways Officer, Biodiversity Officer, Environmental Health, Drainage Officer and Tree Officer had no objection to the application.

READ > Application to build three new bungalows faces opposition from Neston Town Council

Neston Town Council objected to the application saying: "There are issues with drainage and sewerage capacity in this area, the development would result in the loss of an orchard and loss of biodiversity habitats, the scale and design of the development would be out of character with the area, there are concerns regarding access and refuse servicing arrangements and not meeting the local need for smaller affordable houses."

Six objections to the original plans were received from nearby residents and four of those residents also objected to the amended plans.

Residents' concerns included loss of light and outlook to adjacent properties, that the housing requirement in Neston has already been met, there would be a loss of a small area of greenspace which is important in the urban area and also an impact on biodiversity.

Since the approval of the planning application, a resident who is opposed to the development has told the Globe: "We are all very disappointed and will be going on appeal.

"We would like residents who have experience and knowledge to give us support and advice."

The meeting concluded that the development should be approved subject to specific planning obligations, conditions and informatives.

These include obligatory financial contributions of £41,669 towards affordable housing and £19,130.93 towards biodiversity enhancement.

Conditions include development to commence within three years of decision, details of sustainable drainage measures for existing and proposed dwellings (prior to commencement) and a plan to manage invasive non-native plant species (prior to commencement).