A Merseyside teenager has been jailed for several firearm offences after police uncovered a loaded pistol, ammunition and several other weapons during a raid.

On Saturday, June 18 last year, specialist firearms police executed a warrant at an address at The Beechwalk off Queens Drive in the Stoneycroft area of Liverpool.

Joel Harvey, now aged 17, of Lindisfarne Drive, Liverpool was arrested on suspicion of possession of a prohibited weapon.

A loaded Grand Power automatic pistol, along with 10 rounds of ammunition were seized during a search of the property and Harvey was charged when he was 16 with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life, possession of ammunition with intent to endanger life and possession of ammunition without a certificate.

Wirral Globe: a firearm and ammunition seized as part of this investigationa firearm and ammunition seized as part of this investigation (Image: Merseyside Police)

He was also jailed for the shooting of a man outside a store on Prescot Road in Old Swan where he shot his victim twice in the legs on December 11, 2021.

Yesterday (Wednesday, January 25) Harvey was sentenced to 12 and a half years at Liverpool Crown Court for wounding with intent and possession of a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life.

Judge Clement Goldstone KC lifted restrictions on identifying Harvey despite him being just 17-years old.

At court he said: "It is right that the public should know that at a time when the reputation and morale of police forces throughout the United Kingdom are suffering because of the conduct of a minute proportion of their number, the Merseyside Police acted with consummate professionalism in bringing Joel Harvey before the court, and in ensuring that at least one lethal weapon and a significant quantity of live ammunition has been removed from circulation."

After the sentencing Detective Inspector John Mullen said: "Harvey was involved in unparalleled street violence and organised crime at the age of just 16.

"Had our officers not arrested Harvey he could have used this lethal weapon, which was loaded, to seriously harm others in Liverpool with potentially fatal consequences.

"Harvey showed complete disregard for the safety of those in our community and crossed the line in every sense by shooting a man on a public street. He will now spend a considerable amount of time in custody, reflecting on his reckless actions.

Wirral Globe: a firearm and ammunition seized as part of this investigationa firearm and ammunition seized as part of this investigation (Image: Merseyside Police)

"I hope the presence and bravery of our armed officers during this incident shows we will leave no stone unturned in our relentless pursuit to remove firearms and those who use them from our streets.

"We sadly know the devastating consequences of gun crime, not only on victims and their families but also in our wider communities.

"Our officers are carrying out warrants like this, as well as land searches and stop checks, every single day to disrupt such callous criminals who store, carry and use firearms.

"This also supports the work we do with the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership – our region’s response to knife crime, gun crime and homicide.

"By offering young people positive activities and mentoring, our officers can support the sustainable, public health approach needed to reduce any and all forms of serious violence."

Community Policing Inspector Andrew Lloyd said: "These warrants are part of our ongoing work into targeting those involved in organised crime responsible for spreading misery across Liverpool and beyond.

"It will be a relief for all of those living in the area who could have been harmed by Harvey's criminality to see such a positive result at court.

"We hope this type of intervention will prevent any further crimes in the area and reiterates that firearms have no place in our communities."