A former Wirral police officer turned author will launch her latest book next month, in aid of a local neonatal charity.

Gina Kirkham's Murders at The Montgomery Hall Hotel will be unveiled at Hoylake Social Club on Trinity Road, Hoylake on Wednesday November 9.

The event aims to raise funds for Wirral neonatal charity Incubabies. IncuBabies is one of the chosen charities supported by the Mayor of Wirral during his term, who will be attending the evening with the Mayoress, in his official capacity.

The second in Gina’s new crime romp series, Murders at The Montgomery Hall Hotel follows the sleuthing ladies of the Winterbottom Women's Institute as they spend Halloween at the Montgomery Hall Hotel for a murder-mystery weekend.

As the historical venue's past comes back to haunt it and real bodies start piling up, they quickly realise they need to enlist outside help, but with a storm disrupting all means of communication, their options are limited.

Wirral Globe: Gina Kirkham's latest book will be launched on November 9Gina Kirkham's latest book will be launched on November 9 (Image: Gina Kirkham's latest book will be launched on November 9)

Gina told the Globe today:"The first in the series Murders At The Winterbottom Women’s Institute and now Murders at The Montgomery Hall Hotel, were both inspired by the WI members that I've had the pleasure of meeting at the author talks I do around Merseyside and Cheshire.

"The WI groups are such a fun and inclusive gathering of ladies with so many wonderful characters and personalities, I couldn’t fail to be inspired by them. Their quick wit is a joy, they would have me howling with laughter.

"I think our northern sense humour is a bonus too. I was over the moon when a few of the ladies asked if I could base characters on them for the new series, they wanted to be created larger than life and full of mischievous fun … and sometimes a little naughty too, so I hope I've succeeded."

The 64-year-old mum to Emma and grandmother of Olivia, Annie and Arthur retired from Merseyside Police and signed to Urbane Publications in June 2016 to release her debut novel Handcuffs, Truncheon and a Polyester Thong.

Following on from the book's success, she signed with Bloodhound Books (part of the USA Open Road Media Group) in 2021 bringing her books to a worldwide audience.

Audible rights for her Women's Institute series have been snapped up both here in the UK and in the USA, covering all territories.

Wirral Globe: Gina with friend Alison Waterfield, who she got know on Twitter after Alison bought her booksGina with friend Alison Waterfield, who she got know on Twitter after Alison bought her books (Image: Gina with friend Alison Waterfield, who she got know on Twitter after Alison bought her books)

During the launch evening, which has already sold out, there will be a Q&A with Gina hosted by well known local crime author, David Jackson.

Gina continued: "IncuBabies is a charity very close to my heart, I’ve been involved in supporting them since 2017.

"They are all volunteers and their selfless hard work in fundraising, not only to upgrade the neonatal unit, but for neonatal digestive research too, is both humbling and heartwarming.

Trudi Brooks, IncuBabies Trustee said: "It's an honour and a privilege that Gina has once again chosen us as the charity to benefit from her incredible writing talent and success with her latest book."

IncuBabies was formed by a group of volunteers based on Wirral, the aim of the charity is to raise funds for the Neo Natal Unit at Arrowe Park Women and Childrens’ Hospital to extend and refurbish the unit into a state of the art facility and to enhance the support given to the parents/carers of the babies.

Following a request from Professor Colin Morgan, it is now one of the main sponsors of his research into nutrition and digestion in low weight full term babies and neonatal babies which is hoping to improve their chances of preventing fatal infections.

Last year IncuBabies was awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Service reflecting the hard work and passion of everyone involved in the Charity and its work.

Gina's husband John is also a retired police officer.

Her biography notes read: "She spends her time between writing staring out of the window trying to think up novel ways to kill a victim and then asks her long suffering hubby to test those methods.

"Thankfully he has survived two murder books but he’s not so sure about Gina’s ideas in her current work in progress. If a bump in the patio appears, send help!"