BARBARA Curtis has lost an amazing five stones 5lbs thanks to the support of her local Slimming World Group.

She was awarded Grestest Loser March this year and her weight loss so far has had a huge impact on her health and well-being, she shares her story below.

"Well what can I say, it was certainly a surprise to be awarded Biggest Loser 2022 in my West Kirby group.

"I won't pretend it has been easy but with the unwavering support of my consultant Alison and the rest of the group, I'm nearly there!"

Wirral Globe:

Barbara Curtis has lost an amazing five stones 5lbs

"When I first walked into group, it was on the orders of my doctor, my blood pressure was sky high and was concerned that I may have a stroke/heart attack or worse.

"I had tried Slimming World before and had lost a lot of weight but within months, I had put it all back on plus more!!!

"I found that this group provided me with a lifestyle I could live with unlike some of the other companies.

"When I finally decided that I was going to join my local Slimming World group, I decided to walked there, I remember that first day, I had to stop several times as I was out of breath, now, with a lot less weight, it takes me next to no time at all, and I feel great once there."

"The weekly meetings provide brilliant peer support and no-one is there to judge.

"We have a good laugh and offer tips to help everyone on their journey, during lockdown meetings were on Zoom but we carried on supporting one another.

"Even when you put on a little weight (well we are human) because of holidays, special occasions or just losing your way feedback is always on the positive side.

"I certainly wouldn’t be able to live the way I do today without Slimming World and the support I get in group each week.

I recently became a grandmother for the first time and I know I wouldn’t be able to do half as much as I do with my little Lily. People who have known me can’t believe I’m the same person and my husband asked if I was proud of myself when I bought a dress for a special occasion from Hobbs size 16 instead of size 22, I am absolutely proud of what I have achieved and so is my husband.

A huge thanks to everyone, I know if I can do it anyone can, just go for it. My blood pressure meds have now been reduced and I feel fitter and healthier now at 70 than I did when I retired at 60. The last few pounds are the difficult ones but I’m determined to get to my Dream Target Weight, (maybe go a little lower, who knows).”

Alison says "at Slimming World we've got a deep understanding of the psychology behind successful weight loss, and our groups are all about getting support to build healthy new habits around food and activity.

"It's so much easier to achieve when you have the support of a group of like-minded people who care about your success."

If you feel ready to spring clean your lockdown habits then Alison is here not help. Alison Sait, Slimming World Consultant who runs groups in Higher Bebington and West Kirby, on the Wirral.

Alison is on the move.

She has moved her group to Hoylake, to a new venue at St Hildeburgh's Parish Church, Stanley Road,CH47 1HL. Date for your diary, Thursday 14th April at 7.30am & 9am - call Alison for more information on 07500 801886

To find out more about Slimming World and how to join, visit or call 0344 897 8000