A zero carbon "Battle Bus" will stop off at the Floral Pavilion Theatre in New Brighton later this week to offer practical net zero advice to businesses.

The fully-electric Planet Mark bus will feature in a free event on Friday celebrating local efforts to create greener and fairer communities in Liverpool City Region, which includes Wirral, and explore how everyone can make a difference when it comes to climate change.

Hosted by Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, speakers on the day will include Farm Urban; End Furniture Poverty and FRC Group; the Zero Carbon Research Institute; and Energy Projects Plus.

Mark Basnett, managing director of Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) said: "We're thrilled to be supporting Planet Mark’s Zero Carbon Tour as part of COP26 - from small business creating innovative technologies to grassroots community projects making a difference, all have a role in helping cut our carbon emissions.

"So many of our local businesses will be in attendance to share ideas and showcase greener and more sustainable solutions to achieving net zero.

"These businesses are already on the carbon-zero journey and I would encourage businesses to join us at the Floral Pavilion to hear about what’s being done locally to slash carbon emissions and improve lives.”

Cllr Janette Williamson, Leader of Wirral Council, said: “It is going to be great to welcome the Zero Carbon Tour to Wirral on Friday.

"Learning and working constructively alongside local businesses and other organisations is vital as we all continue to deliver on our commitments and goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for a safer and cleaner environment."

It is part of Planet Mark’s Zero Carbon Tour, which will see the bus visit 30 towns and cities across the UK. The Tour began in Cambridge and will finish in Glasgow for COP26.

Steve Malkin, founder and CEO of Planet Mark, said: "We look forward to gathering in-person and online with the Liverpool City Region community to talk about how all businesses and organisations, no matter their size, can contribute to the fight against climate change by committing to net zero carbon.

"Through the critical Race to Zero we can all play a part in our planet’s future".

Race to Zero is the UN-backed, global campaign to rally leadership and support from all non-state actors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery.

All members are credibly committed to the same overarching goal: halving global emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions as soon as possible, and by 2050 at the very latest.

Businesses can sign up for Friday's event at this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/liverpool-city-region-roadmap-to-net-zero-zero-carbon-tour-tickets-169494621977.