SINCE COVID-19 vaccines became available to us at the very end of 2020, around 83% of people in Wirral have had at least one dose, according to the latest data.

Second dosers are not far behind, at around 71%.

This is great news and just shows how dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our borough our residents are.

If you've not yet booked for your first or second dose, if you're not sure how to get one or if you're worried about getting the vaccine, I have some messages for you.

'Grab a Jab' - Anyone over the age of 17 years and nine months can now Grab a Jab. There are lots of walk-in clinics so you can pick a time and venue that suits you:

Need help with travel costs to get to the vaccine clinic? Vouchers are available so that you can get free bus travel to and from any of Wirral’s vaccine centres:

You need two doses for maximum protection – if you’ve had your first jab, thank you. But you’re not done there. You wouldn’t go out half-dressed and it is the same with the vaccine. Only two doses give you protection from serious illness and hospitalisation. You only have to wait eight weeks between doses now so, if you’re eligible for your second jab please book in or visit a walk-in clinic now.

Think you’ll be fine without it? You might be, some people have had really mild cases of COVID-19 while, as we know all too well, many have been left seriously ill or sadly passed away as a result of the virus. But, even if you fancy taking your chances and avoiding the vaccine, not everybody has this choice.

People with compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing cancer treatment, need others to get vaccinated to help reduce the overall spread of the virus and protect them too. If you’re on the fence about getting the vaccine for your own sake, please spare a thought for those who don’t have that luxury.

Who should I trust? When it comes to getting the right information, trust the key workers who have guided us through this crisis so far. Trust our doctors and our nurses. They want you to get vaccinated to protect against COVID-19 as you would for other diseases to help keep you – and others – safe. The vaccine is the best tool we have to get back to the things we all love doing, safely. So, if you’re looking for trustworthy information, stick with in the first instance and visit: Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS (

Got vaxxed? Get tested – Research has shown the vaccines help reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19 and can reduce your risk of catching the virus. However, once you have had your jabs there is a chance you might still get or spread COVID-19 and it's important to follow advice to protect yourself and others from infection. Please, continue to get twice weekly symptom-free tests so you can stop infection spreading and Keep Wirral Well. For more info on how to get free weekly home test kits visit:

Once again, thanks for reading and stay safe.
