A RARE Harvest Moon will appear this weekend.

The full moon will shine on Saturday, September 14 and is named after the Harvest season for falling closest to the September equinox.

Traditionally the Harvest Moon signifies to farmers when they need to start gathering crops to prepare for the winter months by using the bright light of the full moon to extend the working day.

However, the Harvest Moon doesn't always appear in September as every three years the month varies and appears in October but this is known as the Full Corn Moon.

It will peak in the early hours of Saturday morning at around 4.34am.

In the US, enthusiasts will be able to see the Harvest Moon on Friday, September 13.

Other full moons heading for 2019 include the Hunter's Moon, also known as the Travel Moon, or if you're feeling despondent, the Dying Grass Moon will be visible on Sunday, October 13.

And in November, the full moon is the depressingly named, Mourning Moon.

It marks the beginning of the end and in many cultures it is connected to death and loss. In the US it is known as Beaver Moon and will rise on November 12.

In December, the Cold Moon will shine on December 12.