TWO years ago builders' vehicles had rutted the verge in front of the old Pensby Hotel.

One workman scattered a cheap packet of wildflower seeds across the mud producing a beautiful habitat for wildlife.

Some weeks later a council fossil fuel 'guzzling' tractor mower arrived destroying it all whilst pumping out toxic fumes and greenhouse gas from it's stinking rear end and we pay for that, but why?

For decades I've 'battled' this council regarding the routine killing of our street trees by the 'maintenance' men who strip the bark off with their mowers and strimmers ('Weapons of Bio-Mass Destruction') due to obsessive 'neat and tidiness', which is causing vast species depletion and ecological destruction, but all my efforts are ignored.

Most verges had trees originally but when they die they're not replaced and mown grass serves no useful environmental purpose whatsoever.

Hasn't this council heard that trees, and grasses allowed to flourish, absorb airborne pollution and greenhouse gases?

Their vans used to say "Wirral has Heard the Cry of the Earth, have you?" Well I have, but they don't seem to have read their own slogans!

All the 'neat and tidiers', climate-change deniers, and everyone who prefers the 'aftermath' photo, need to leave my Earth alone and go to Mars if they prefer a sterile, barren landscape.

Everyone has equal responsibility for our environment, mowing is needlessly killing wildlife and we need all the habitat and biodiversity we can get; so "Don't Mow, Let it Grow!"

Dave Hall, Thingwall