IT has been widely reported that Wirral Council is looking to offload some of our local municipal golf courses with Arrowe Park and the Warren being the latest targets.

The need for outsourcing the running of these courses is being blamed in a "downturn in golf".

I play for a local club and have played at Arrowe Park for over 20 years, nowadays you will see on any morning and every evening many people turning up and not paying for their round. this is theft.

Every Saturday morning there are at least 30 people who sneak onto the course and play for free, every sunny evening is even worse.

A round of golf is currently £16 if you times that by how many people don't pay each day and the four Wirral courses where this happens then it comes to a significant amount of revenue being lost.

The council used to send a lady out on all the Wirral courses to collect the money of these golfers, but she no longer seems to be around, the employee who runs the shop cannot leave the shop unattended to collect money from the course.

By not policing the amount of people playing and not paying, the council is losing thousands of pounds each week.

It is not a "downturn in golf" but a downturn in the revenue generated.

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