TOLLS on the Cleddau Bridge have been removed.

The bridge which crossed over Milford Haven was the last toll in Wales and the country is now free of tolls on all roads and river crossings.

What a contrast with the situation here by the Mersey.

We are the most heavily tolled area in the country and also have a cruel system of tolls enforcement being used on the Mersey Gateway.

A system where those responsible seem to think that they can do what they like even though it has been judged illegal by adjudicators from the Traffic Penalty Tribunal.

Our area seems to be ruled by a Tolls Mafia who profit from the tolls that they inflict on drivers and who have no regard for the negative effect on our local economy or the division, hardship, aggravation and nuisance that is caused by the tolls and penalties.

The only part of the UK which now has tolls is England.

Any tolls in Northern Ireland were removed long ago and the last tolls in Scotland - Forth and Tay bridges - were removed 11 years ago.

John McGoldrick, Scrap Mersey Tolls.