A WIRRAL MP has met with disability campaigners to discuss long-term health conditions that cause fatigue, pain and energy limitation.

Wirral West MP Margaret Greenwood spoke to campaigners Catherine Hale and Stef Benstead who lead the Chronic Illness Inclusion Project (CIIP).

Supported by Big Lottery via the Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning programme, CIIP aims to address a gap in representation and give campaigners a voice in the decisions and policies that affect them.

Catherine and Stef explained to Ms Greenwood how participants in a recent focus group identified the current welfare system was the main barrier they faced and were concerned about negative attitudes and unnecessary restriction on their lives.

A chronic illness manifesto, due by 2020 aims to spearhead a user-led movement to influence policies and perceptions around energy-limiting chronic illness.

Ms Greenwood said: “I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet with Catherine and Stef and to hear about their project.

“Energy-limiting health conditions can be extremely difficult for people to manage and often have an impact on whether or not they are able to stay in work.

“This can be a real blow to the people affected and their families. It really is important that policy reflects the realities of people’s lives and that suitable support is provided.

“The CIIP project is a really important piece of work and I look forward to hearing more from Catherine and Stef as it develops.

“I would also welcome hearing from any of my constituents who might be interested in the project or who may have views on the issues and barriers that people with energy-limiting long-term health conditions face in our society.

“Please do get in touch if you or a member of your family is affected by an energy-limiting chronic health condition.”

Ms Greenwood can be contacted by email margaret.greenwood.mp@parliament.uk or by calling 0151 792 3416.