HAVE you seen the council's questionnaire about how to solve their budget problems?

If not, it's worth taking a look at - because it's rubbish.

I have written to the council about this.

I have done my best to complete the questionnaire, but it is impossible to do so without much more detailed information from the council.

For instance, how is it possible to answer a question about selling land and building which the council own without knowing what buildings and land are involved?

And how can a question relating to the future of the Floral Pavilion and other local amenities be answered without knowing whether this is to save money or waste even more of the local tax payers' cash?

The inability to answer questions without more information applies to almost all questions from question seven onwards.

The questionnaire appears to have been compiled in this way in order to get answers which can easily be misinterpreted, or by somebody who is wasting tax payers' money because they don't know what they are doing.

The best way to save money is not to waste it on consultants.

Councillors are paid to do a job and should either be able to do this themselves with the help of those they employ or they should not be wasting our money by being on the council.

Richard Llewellyn by email