OLDERSHAW is celebrating after becoming one of just twelve schools nationally to be awarded specialist college status for Business and Enterprise.

Headteacher Steven Peach predicts this will further drive academic standards, while the school will also be promoting healthier living in partnership with private sector company Pulse Fitness.

A £1 million state of the art Fitness Suite is to be built there for the benefit of the whole Wallasey community.

The Specialist College Award will mean up to a £1 million investment over four years and a capital building project for a brand new business and enterprise centre.

Mr Peach said: "The school has a long term plan to make a real contribution to the economic regeneration of Wallasey by addressing national skill shortages." The school has links with over 200 local companies and enjoys multi-national business partners including Oracle and Toshiba.

The school's commitment to providing life long educational opportunities for the local learning community will be further enhanced in September, with the school targeting Year 7 students who will receive a family laptop to support their learning opportunities.