I WOULD like to respond to the letter regarding horse riding in Wirral by Kathy Owen.

If your dog chases sheep, the farmer is legally entitled to shoot it.

If your dog chased a cyclist who was injured, you would face criminal prosecution. It's okay though, for your dog to chase horses?

Just imagine a frightened horse shying, throwing its rider and galloping home – injured rider, injured pedestrians who get in the way and possible fatalities caused in a traffic accident, but that's okay because your dog is allowed to chase horses so that they don’t leave manure in your way.

Horses are vegetarians and their manure soon rots away – dogs are carnivores and their rancid coils last for weeks.

The fact that you changed the subject from “dogs chasing” to "horses' manure" shows that you haven’t got a logical leg to stand on.

I don't have horses anymore, but if a dog ever did chase my horse, it was swiftly dispatched with a well-aimed hoof!

Eileen Waldie, Greasby