One of the first principles of good driving or cycling is constant calculation of the conditions.

There is, for example, a small road not far from me on which theoretically one can go at more than 50mph but no responsible driver would dream of going along it at that speed, especially as there are often horses on it.

When I see cyclists, my first instinct is to go warily because I am well aware that they can wobble and going too close to them can be frightening – but taking care works both ways!

Did those four cyclists not notice that they were at the head of the longest queue I have ever seen on that road and there were some parked cars too?

On that occasion I maintain that they should have had the courtesy to go in single file in order to let the motor traffic pass them.

In this country, motorists who have right of way often let others in out of politeness and consideration. Cyclists should do the same when they have to share the same road.

I stand by what I said.

Evelyn Campbell Smith,
