WHAT on earth is Wirral Council doing for the people who they claim to be working for?

How are they justifying their huge salaries and generous expenses?

Not so many years ago Moreton used to be a very neat and tidy place to visit, but now when you walk around the area all you see is full waste bins, weeds growing through the pavement and kerbs, people’s hedges overgrowing and spreading over the pavement by at least a flag.

The Arrowbrook is strangled by reeds and rubbish to the point where the water can hardly get through, have the people who spray the pavements been made redundant? For a no-alcohol area all you see is empty drinks cans and bottles just thrown on grass verges.

With more than 30 per cent councillors than we need, what are they getting paid for?

We know turkeys don’t vote for Christmas – but surely they must be made redundant in the same way they have made many people redundant.

Mike Kelly, Moreton.