THE EU is by no means perfect but its philosophies are.

Yet I don't feel the debate has come close to succinctly communicating them.

The EU is not about potholes and legal technicalities; it’s about huge soaring ideas.

It's the idea of freedom of movement as a human right for law-abiding citizens.

The idea of discrimination as morally wrong be it due to race, gender, sexuality or nationality.

It's the idea that borders prevent co-operation and fair redistribution of opportunity.

It's the idea of protecting our human rights with a moral consensus under the rule of law free from self-serving politicians.

It's the idea that pooling resources can still be good even if you’re not the greatest benefactor.

It's the idea that trade creates productivity which creates jobs and better lives – which is the same idea that Britain led the industrial revolution with in the first place.

It's the idea that layabouts don't cross continents to lay about, but people with purpose do, and that person could be you.

It's the idea that tax regimes that cooperate to prevent tax evasion are most productive.

But most of all it's the idea that the only reason to care more about a stranger because they come from Walsall instead of Warsaw is tribalism, and that tribalism was form of population control from our violent, warring ancestry on the plains that serves no purpose in a modern society.

Nothing else offers us access to these ideas.

Jerry Randall, Wallasey