I AM disabled and am in a wheelchair.

We have wheelchair - accessible vehicle which my husband drives.

This week our car had to go into the garage and was taken there by a recovery vehicle on Wednesday and brought back the next day similarly by a recovery vehicle.

Our road is a one-way street, often used as a 'cut-through' between two main roads.

Cars drive very fast down here even though there are speed humps.

The recovery vehicle parked on the other side of the road while off-loading our car.

The driver was just trying to manoeuvre our car into the bay when a very impatient female driver, instead of waiting for a short time, decided to squeeze through the gap between our car and the recovery vehicle.

So impatient was she that she sounded the car horn three or four times and quite obviously she was shouting in the car.

Our next-door neighbour happened to be outside at the time and even he commented on her bad manners and impatience. Why are road-users so impatient these days?

A little respect and consideration goes a long way. Talk about road rage.

Mrs Jo Quinn, Wallasey.