COUNCILLOR Pat Cleary (Mailbox, January 13) has fallen into the trap of confusing climate with weather when he says that recent floods were caused by so-called "climate change."

Our climate has always been subject to change, and current evidence is that mankind's activities are making little difference to the climate.

For example, there has been no warming for the past 18 years, and there is no evidence that freak weather is becoming more common.

The floods that caused misery to a small part of the British Isles recently were caused by particular weather patterns that have happened before (and particularly prior to our industrial age) and will undoubtedly happen again: that is simply nature.

Even the Met Office have stated that this is indeed so.

The myth of climate change is a distraction that is taking our energies away from many other environmental concerns that need our attention, and the sooner this is realised, the better it will be for Wirral and for our planet.

Kenneth J Burnley by email.