I AM proud of my name, but it’s my misfortune that I share it with the leader of a party I do not respect, and whose opinions are often misplaced and printed in your letters page.

I come from the opposite side of the political spectrum – Jeremy Corbyn is a breath of fresh air and to describe him as an anarchist is an insult to those many people in this country and more significantly on this peninsula and the North West who will vote Labour.

What’s wrong with re-nationalising the railways?

Not spending billions on a nuclear weapon we’ll never use? And opposing the wars in the Middle East. How can that be anarchy?

After my disillusionment with the Tory-light Labour leaders of late such as Blair, Brown and Milliband, Corbyn is at last talking the socialist language I agree with.

I suspect the UKIP President is afraid the dis-enfranchised Labour voters enticed by his alternative cul-de-sac will now be voting with a common sense agenda when they next get the opportunity.

Phil Griffiths, Claughton