THE Globe on page six of September 30 carried contrasting reports.

The first demonstrated dramatic municipal improvement since Anna Klonowski’s scalding 2012 report when, following decades of 'hung councils', a Tory/LibDem coalition then ruled Wirral.

After three years with the first clear Labour majority for decades the external Grant Thornton review shows how effectively Labour has put arrangements in place to secure efficiency and effectiveness – close on the heels of Wirral being acclaimed the "Most Improved Council in the UK".

The second Globe report related how Tory group leader Cllr Jeff Green proposed reducing the number of Wirral's councillors by a third – despite having voted against any such reduction only two years ago.

Councillor Green did not attend, leaving it to Cllr Leah Fraser to address the policy and performance review committee last week – where it was rejected.

With a boundary review ahead – and as the Wirral public relentlessly reduce the number of Tory-held council seats by transferring them to Labour – can anyone doubt that Wirral’s Tory group are fuelled by high-octane sour grapes?

Adrian Jones, Seacombe Labour councillor.