ON several occasions while out on the promenade at Hoylake, folk have stopped me and asked if there are any nearby public lavatory facilities open.

Sadly, for whatever reason, we have lost many facilities which used to be open all hours.

Why can’t we be like many places on the Continent or further overseas and have basic facilities freely available 24/7 at various strategic locations around the borough?

I am not talking about the “high-tech” type of facility one sometimes sees around in city centres, on trains and elsewhere.

The lack of suitable facilities is a real problem for many people when they venture out. The situation is especially difficult for those with young children or elder persons – both of whom may need to “go” more often.

As the “leisure peninsula” the public sector should be able to freely provide these facilities to cater both for visitors and residents alike. Small in cost but vital, provision would greatly enhance the quality of life for many-allowing them the chance to leave home without fear of being “caught short”.

Furthermore, folk will tend to visit those places where free provision is made for them – bringing, economic benefits to the borough.

Timothy J Dishman, Great Meols.