MR Cameron, in a speech after launching the Conservative manifesto, said that this election matters because: "It's about you, your job, the future for your family."

I am disappointed that this was a key point from a man who has been the leader of this nation’s Government and who aspires again to be the leader of a United Kingdom.

I would have preferred him to say it is about "us" and to have pointed out that this election is about how we live together as communities of people, caring for those most in need and sharing resources, skills and talents for the benefit of us all.

Focusing on individualism takes us back to a Conservative Party which seems to care primarily about those who have the wealth and power to support themselves.

Also last week, a Conservative spokesman indicated pride that one of the policies has been for Job Centres to direct people to food banks for survival.

I assume rather than providing benefits or when applying immediate sanctions.

John Oldershaw, Wallasey.