WE will hear a great deal of statistics and the usual Punch and Judy politicking over the next two months from our rival groups of public schoolboys at Westminster, but there is one issue which they will ignore - the need to reintroduce the dog licence.

Dog-fouling is at epidemic levels in Wirral, particularly in Pensby, where I live.

Owners stand brazenly by, while their dear pup poops on all the grass verges, then they move off, leaving the evidence behind for someone to put their foot in it.

I have complained to all the local politicians about this, and just get told there is no money to do anything about it.

A dog licence set at a realistic rate would go a long way to fund wardens to catch the culprits.

By the way, I like dogs, it’s just the owners who need training properly!

Alan Keating by email.

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