FRACKING for shale gas becomes a worrying reality.

We read in the press of the energy security that this un-tried mining will bring to the country, and that the associated seismic disturbances will not threaten more than the natural, day to day, upheavals in the earth’s crust.

Nowhere are we told of the dangers from the waste water produced, a by product of fracking, a cocktail of dangerous chemicals, that threaten our environment.

Nor is there much public alarm that central government can, and will, over-ride planning refusals of fracking planning applications by our local government.

Why? Are these chemical dangers to our countryside not to be made public by those empowered with our wellbeing?

I understand the real need for long-term energy security, but I am alarmed by the lack of thought, and information that is in the public arena.

I would press all those who would protect the country for the future to make sure that all the necessary safeguards are in place wherever fracking is proposed, to discover the whole story, before we all have cause to regret.

Jeremy Scott, Meols.