ON September 26 my future daughter-in-law, Ruth, held a cake and coffee afternoon at the Hilltop restaurant, to support the MacMillan nurses.

The day was a great success and Ruth, with the help of her friends, managed to raise £1,604.

The venue was just great.

Ruth is recovering from a breast cancer operation, which took place just a few weeks ago.

The Hilltop was packed with people who came from far and wide with lovely cakes they had made.

Everything was sold.

The raffle prizes were wonderful and everyone enjoyed pulling out winning tickets.

So I would like to say ‘thank you’ to Ruth’s friends, who have stood by her side, to all the companies and people who donated prizes, to everyone who came on the day and, lastly, to Ruth’s family; her partner, Peter, and two lovely sons.

My biggest ‘thank you’ is to the MacMillan nurses. This great day was to celebrate all your good work, wherever you are.

God bless each and every one of you.

Well done, Ruth.

Josie Hughes, Newton