REFERRING to the letter in Mailbox of August 13, headlined Fossil queries, and also the recent article headlined Parties fight over island gas claims.

It is refreshing to see our MP for Wirral West, Esther McVey, is supporting our local Conservative councillors in their opposition to underground coal gasification.

The letter also indicates that our local Conservative councillors are opposed to fracking – but Esther does not make it clear that she supports them on this issue.

Fracking is not the solution to our energy needs.

The effort and investment being poured into this unsustainable "dash for gas" would be far better directed towards the promotion and establishment of renewable energy resources.

The Government is so keen to promote fracking that it is about to change the law to allow companies to drill under your land and property.

If Esther is really serious about putting party politics to one side and "protecting our local area", then will she please make clear her opposition to fracking?

Terence Roberts, Irby.