FIRSTLY, I appreciate how hard our wardens work on maintaining and preserving one of my favourite country parks, which, as a Wirral resident, visit at least once per week.

They do a fine job and I am it pains me to make a criticism.

However, I have noticed over recent months that people are leaving plastic bags of dog excrement in the park.

I realise that this is not a new phenomena (a follow on from tying them to trees) and can understand your frustrations with this, but is it not possible to have a number of bins stationed around the park?

Is there anyone we can contact / lobby to get this rectified?

I've witnessed other parks suffering the same plight.

These bags, apart from containing putrid contents are also unsightly and left in areas where my 18 month old son may fall on them, or, god forbid, pick up!

Mr Berry

by email