YOUR contributor Mike Holt (Unqualified for the job?) shows limited recollection and ill- informed condemnation of what he describes as 'Labourite' and 'Lefty' Merseyside roles.

He tilts pejoratively at the Police Commissioner, Jane Kennedy, demonstrating unawareness that the politicisation of police governance, that he seems to condemn as 'Lefty', was in fact a Tory government's enactment.

His tirade implies blissful ignorance of the democratic, all-party, proportional, and independent, composition of the Merseyside Police Authority that preceded Ms Kennedy’s election.

For balance, he might have recalled that she campaigned against the loss of democracy that the change from political proportionality would introduce.

But why let mere facts interrupt a propaganda missive that argues not to, but from, a conclusion.

Cllr Adrian Jones by email.