WHILE council leader Phil Davies puts his efforts into building on greenbelt land in Hoylake, Wirral Council has an alarming number of children taken into care.

We hear that the number of children in care on Wirral is now more than the national average, which is a sad indictment of our councils priorities.

Should this be happening in our times, will we be known as the generation that stood back and watched it happen, while the leader concentrated on other matters.

History will judge us on what we leave for the next generation. Our children and grandchildren.

The other matter I refer to is the building of Hoylake golf resort on 287 acres of potential farm land in Hoylake. Our council is going to allow a preferred developer to buy the land and build the course without carrying out due diligence.

Phil Davies should do the honourable thing and resign.

All councillors, with any sense of justification should call for his resignation, immediately.

Phil Simpson, Organised Labour, Wirral.