MY 19-year-old son who has Autistic Spectrum Disorder was fined after a bit of tissue fell out if his pocket on a windy day.

Due to his condition my son explained he had full pockets of paper and tissues along with five sets of earphones.

The enforcement officer, who didn't listen to a word my son said after explaining it was an accident and the tissue may have got tangled in the wires, handed him an £80 fine saying: "It's for ripping tissue up and throwing it on the floor." 

Then he walked away.

I am disgusted by the sheer lack of regard for any defence explanations.

My son is not earning and attends college.

How is he supposed to pay for this?


Well I'm up for challenging this, I will be taking this further.

People need to be aware that they DO have the right to challenge unfair enforcement officers and to speak up for anyone with a disability.

Name and address supplied