"WE ARE a nation divided", wrote John Oldershaw, (Globe Mailbox, February 15).

This is true after a vote of any national poll.

It's called "democracy" where the majority holds sway.

Parliament exists to carry out the wishes of the people they represent which they have done.

The people have decided.

The majority, however small and however it was not your choice, "the British people have decided" - see above for democracy.

The rules regarding a majority in your workplace, commendable as that may be, were not part of the national vote.

See above for "democracy".

The only way forward is to accept the wishes of the majority.

It certainly is not to implement a soft withdrawal from the EU – that is against the wishes of the majority.

See above for "democracy".

The longer this process takes, the longer we will be a "nation divided".

Isn't that something we don’t need?

CS Williams, Prenton