WHEN one stage door closes another one opens.

I refer to the Everyman's successful 2018 season which had something for everyone including: Paint Your Wagon, Clockwork Orange, Othello and The Big I Am.

I now look forward to the enticing and exciting Autumn season from the electric, energetic Everyman and the Pandora's box styled offerings from the Playhouse.

In the small EV1 studio the Young Everyman Playhouse Producers from the Youth Theatre presented The Way I See It for four nights, which ended its run on Tuesday.

It is a new poetry, music and audio visual fusion showcase Poetry is by Manchester-based wordsmith and broadcaster George Marias with visuals and music by Dee Dixon and lyric and vocals by Beija Flo.

It is a non-stop monologue in the style reminiscent of Dr John Cooper-Clarke, a Northern inspired Under Milk Wood with some of those Nationwide poetry adverts thrown in the mix.

George is clearly building a solid reputation for being a distinctive voice in his own right and write.

He paints seamless, striking pictures with his word play and can transport the audience from playground to pub, doctor's waiting room to charity shop at the drop of an urbane rhyming couplet.

His characters speak in the language we can all realte to. There is hope and there are dream amid descriptions of the banality of day-to-day existence.

George, in t-shirt and shorts and with a prop of a solitary chair, moves across the stage with confidence in his unrelenting observations.

A series of repetitive projected images of a shopping street, a human heart beating and ducks - although striking - do not actually add to the overall performance and are ultimately distracting.

It is George's words that stand out throughout the hour-long production.

The singing from Beija Flo has a Bjork-like intensity notably oin Running Late.

Artists George, Beija and Flo are certainly names to look out for in the future.

As for the Everyman and Playhouse - good luck and break a leg for the forthcoming season.

The way I see it: four stars

Vibrant verse – sharp sounds.