A DEBATE in the House of Commons suggests the Government has Wirral Council's controversial "newspaper" in its sights.

In response to a question asked by Wallasey MP Angela Eagle about the council having a "black hole" in its social services budget, local government minister Marcus Jones replied: "We have enabled councils to raise additional funding through the adult social care precept.

"But this is all about priorities and the way in which local government allocates its finance.

"The honourable lady might want to have a word with her local council leader and group - as they have sought to spend £270,000 on a propaganda newspaper.

"Is that good value for money when they say that they need more for social care?"

Government "publicity code" rules stipulate town hall newspapers must only be published quarterly and should not resemble commercial newspapers.

But Wirral intends to publish 12 editions per year of its "Wirral View."

The ruling Labour group says an "information deficit" in Wirral means the move is justified.

Councillors claim there will be no additional expenditure on their freesheet as costs will "come from existing funds."

A representative from the Department for Communities and Local Government previously told the Globe: "Spending on council newspapers undermines the independent free press.

“We have been clear we expect all councils to comply with the local government publicity rules.

“If they do not we will consider what further action to take.”