WIRRAL Community NHS Foundation Trust chief executive Karen Howell writes for the Globe...

THIS Saturday is a special day for older people all over the world.

It's the United Nations' International Day of Older Persons.

Discussions will be happening around the globe on topics such as ageing populations, the provision of adequate healthcare for older persons, volunteer work, social care, and ways to be more inclusive of older people in the workforce.

In Wirral, more than 20 per cent of the population is over 65 years of age. Advances in medicine mean we live longer than ever before, but we also have more people with multiple and long-term health conditions.

We need to support older people to look after their own health, as well as making sure we have the right services in place help them remain as independent as possible, and receive care and treatment closer to home rather than in hospital.

Over the last 12 months we've been working closely with colleagues at Arrowe Park Hospital and in Social Services to provide more joined-up care.

We've created four healthcare hubs, based in Birkenhead, Wallasey, Wirral South and West Wirral, for patients with long-term or complex health needs.

Each hub has a team that plans, coordinates and delivers each patient's healthcare, bringing in nurses, social workers, therapists, GPs, pharmacists, and any other professionals required.

So you are looked after by one team, and have one care record.

These teams are making a huge difference to patients, and have already helped so many people avoid unnecessary hospital admission.

But it's not just health professionals that can help older people stay well at home.

We all have a responsibility to try to look after our own health and to support our friends, family and neighbours in looking after theirs.

The nights will inevitably draw in over the coming weeks, and as the temperature falls the germs rise!

So make sure your medicine cabinet is stocked up and that you're prepared for winter.

If your doctor prescribes you regular medicines, make sure you've had your annual review and that your prescriptions are up to date.

If you're a carer or have an elderly relative or neighbour, ask them if they need anything from the pharmacy, and ensure they're prepared too.

And don't forget to encourage them to go for their free flu jab.

There are lots of other agencies that can help older people too.

Age UK Wirral runs lots of different activities for older people and is a great source for information and advice on everything from money and housing to health and well-being.

So let's all celebrate on Saturday, and make a pledge to highlight the im- portant contributions older people make to society, and support them to stay healthy and well this winter.

For more information about all our services visit wirralct.nhs.uk or like us at facebook/nhsbuzz.