Week 10 saw improvements to the group averages for all weekly measured metrics with year to date highs for print-online upsales and logo sales.

The group average print-online conversion rate rose to 87.1%, the highest weekly average of the year so far. In addition to York and DESC both North and South London achieved 100%, with the region being responsible for 20% of the group print ad count they are also contributing considerable online content. Wilts, Stourbridge, Worcester and Dorset all made significant week on week improvements to their conversion rates.

Featured Jobs sales rose back above target in week 10 with a group average of 76.7%, the second highest of the year so far. Worcester and North London both converted 100% of their upsales to Featured Jobs while Essex and Dorset had their best weeks of the year so far.

With all teams now selling logos against their enhanced listings the group average keeps rising with last week seeing the highest group average of the year to date, 28.1%. The majority of teams are still below target but each week sees us inch closer and it is only a matter of weeks before this will be achieved. York continue to convert the majority of their listings to logo sales while Worcester, Bradford and DESC all converted over 50%. The West Country and Hampshire both had the best week of the year.

With improvements to Featured Jobs and Logo sales it is no surprise that the group average digital revenue per job increased to £165. York, Worcester, Dorset and Bradford all had their best weeks so far while Sussex, North London, Stourbridge, Worcester and Hampshire all made significant improvements on week 9.

Charts showing comparative performance are attached and these can also be downloaded from our wiki.