FOUR loads worth of fly-tipping was removed from behind a derelict Wirral pub.

On Tuesday, April 30 Wirral Council contracted specialist Unique Supa Shift, a grab hire and digger hire company that operates through Wirral, Chester and Ellesmere Port, to clear waste that had been tipped behind the Bidston Hotel on Hoylake Road.

Mattresses, sofas, shopping trolleys, wooden palettes and general rubbish had been left behind at the pub.

The waste, which was disposed of at the Bidston Veola site, was removed for a new fence to be erected.

A spokesperson for Wirral Council said: “Fly-tipping is not a victimless crime and is taken extremely seriously by the council due to the impact it has on people's quality of life, in addition to the environmental cost and financial impact on council tax payers.

“Residents are encouraged to report fly-tipping to the council at the earliest opportunity and with as much information and evidence they can provide.

“These reports are logged and Environmental Enforcement Officers will investigate and look for evidence linking it to an offender.

“They will always seek to prosecute anyone who can be proven to have fly-tipped.

“Once reported to the council fly tipped waste is removed according to priority.”